Six hours of Oscar Bliss Begins...

2 Hours of E! has already begun! and I have learned about the necessity of Spanx!

E! will be followed by an hour of The remarkable Barbara Walters...

and finally the 79th Annual Academy Awards will be underway.

It's another Oscar night and the day has been the perfect day for me and Oscar.... for an at home viewer of course... when I am actually a participant... the sleeping in and laying around will not be a luxury... such a small sacrifice to be a part of such an amazing event.

Wow... 1Million dollar Harry Winston necklace.... Sorry...... that is a beautiful necklace....
I'd be terrified to lose it!

So I am all set up in my friends Upper West Side apartment manning the VCR, I have my NY Pizza, my Mich Ulta and my Chips Ahoy.... now that I think about it those Spanx might be necessary after tonight!

So here are my pics for tonights Oscar

Leading Actor: Peter O Toole (This is his 8th nomination and in 2003 he was given an honorary Oscar... but how great to see him get one this year for Venus

Supporting Actor: Eddie Murphy

Leading Actress: Helen Mirren

Supporting Actress:Adrianna Barraza.. but Jennifer Hudson was amazing so it's a toss up

Director: Scorsese for The Departed 7 nominations is enough.... it's time for a win.

Best Picture: I'm going to go with Babel

Not the complete list but so as not to bore my readers I keep the rest of my ballot to myself.
Well I am off to watch the rest of the show....


One more Day!

ONE.... singular sensation.... (AHHHHHHH) all that dance and movement rehersal just took over my brain for a moment!

Yes it is true I am one day (1 monologue and a 4.5 hour dance final) away from completing my first semester at AMDA! It's been a fantastic semester, but I am exhausted and very excited to be able to take a nap, catch up on my books, movies (I already have 5 from the library just waiting for me), plays, oh yea and laundry! And my blogging of course. I hope to be able to post daily on my break for those of you who still check to see if I will EVER write anything :) I promise I will... but until Firday when all classes are finished and I am all moved into my new room you will all have to wait... I am sure with bated breath!

Adios off I go into the FREEZING cold to watch my classmates perform thier Stage Combat fight at Fight Night... sounds cool huh? IT ROCKS! I'll have to let you know how it goes.