that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention. O how I wished that I would have gone to more Voice and speech reviews last semester and listened to the 3rd semester students constantly running this fantastic piece from Henry V. Instead I grew wary of hearing the first 3 lines, and now here I am having had the piece for about 3 hours and now a mere 24 hours from my Globe Theatre debut. Yes, we are to perform it as though we were in the Shakespeare's Globe theatre. Thanfully I was there just last year so it is fresh in my mind and I don't have to imagine what it would be like... now all I have to do is get the piece memorized and ready for performance. Can we say... not sleeping tonight?
O for a muse of fire...
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 12:37 PM 4 comments
Back in the swing of things
Today was absolutly exhausting... but amazing at the same time. I think I am going to love this semester. Please someone remind me of this post when I write something about not seeing the end in sight and thinking I am drowning. No I am not being a negitive person, that is the reality of the program. All of a sudden everything comes crashing in and you think you can't breathe, but then out of nowhere you are thru and you have no idea what just happened. Scary huh? I am going to attempt to maintain the blog better than before, so here's hoping. I must get some sleep tomorrow is a full day!
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 10:21 PM 2 comments
An amazing worship experience
So I am in ATL on vacation and I went to 722 last night... For those of you who don't know 722 is a service for young single adults... of which I am one of the older in the group, but whatever. Being in NYC I have not yet found a church that I feel at home at. With classes and everything else my church attendance has been very sporadic, so last night it was nice to be in a good service. They played something from Hillsong United's new CD and it it really hit home so I thought I'd share it with y'all. Enjoy!
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 12:48 PM 6 comments
Sleeping in Silence
I am on vacation and last night I laid down and realized that I almost couldn't sleep due to the silence. Last night though it was nice to lay down and not hear a siren, or fireworks, or cars and buses, or people yelling in Spanish at all hours of the night. I love NYC but I find that I need open spaces to regather my thoughts and breathe a little.
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 11:34 AM 0 comments
The Tony's
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 8:33 PM 1 comments
Ah the good ol Batcaves
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 8:17 PM 1 comments
This is the quote on my google homepage.... why?
Middle age is when your broad mind and narrow waist begin to change places. - E. Joseph Crossman
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 6:55 PM 3 comments
7 is the perfect number!
My Grandmother- January 7
My Biological Mother - July 7
My adopted mother- April 7
My adopted paternal grandfather - April 7
Me- June 7
Hayley - June 7
and I'll add my sister Cherie on July 27 and my best friend Beck on June 27
You are aware that 7 is the perfect number right? I know... Comon P we want to see pics!

Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 6:29 PM 1 comments
Don't Ask!
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 10:57 PM 2 comments
I just wanted a Latte
So the other day I was on my way out of Starbucks with my Venti Latte (one of my greatest weaknesses), and like I do every time I turned over the cup to read "The Way I See it". Now it is not recommended to read and walk... it is much like reading and driving.. but when you are walking it seems to be worse because you feel less responsible for the lives of others, at least that's the case for me... anyway I am walking up Broadway and reading this interesting, yet slightly odd, thought on the back of my cup and as I am in the middle of crossing the street.. which because I was reading I was not completely aware I was crossing without the walking man's permission... a car honks, I read who wrote the opinion, and for a split second I get stuck in the middle of the street... car coming... and my brain trying to get around the fact that I actually know the person with the opinion... Not as a close friend by any means... but I have some rather funny memories of my best friend and I sitting in his church trying to figure out his new theology.. but when the contact cards came around we made up completely bogus names so as not to get junk mail. Why didn't we just not fill them out.. I have no idea. So since you are reading this I lived to blog another day... and learned not to read and walk!
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 6:53 AM 3 comments
It's what's for dinner!
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 7:49 PM 1 comments
This is a test
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 4:05 PM 5 comments
My last Ikea trip!

Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 4:38 PM 4 comments