A last desperate attempt to stay alive
When one endeavors to follow ones dream, reality becomes an illusion and the dream becomes the life
A last desperate attempt to stay alive
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 8:28 PM 5 comments
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 12:25 PM 1 comments
This has been me all semester! At the end of a long day I pass out the first chance I have to sit down! Guess it means that I am giving my 120% all the time though right?
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 5:23 PM 2 comments
Last night my cousin Candice called me to tell me she was in the city, so we met up for breakfast at a fun little place called the Applejack Diner on 55th street for breakfast this morning. It was so nice to see and talk to someone from home. It made my day... I left with that feeling like you are smiling on the inside... you know that feeling? I love it! So anytime anyone of you that reads my blog is in town call me look me up! I love visitors!
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 8:31 AM 1 comments
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 5:25 PM 0 comments
Ok I know it has been forever since I last posted and it's only becuase I am busier than ever.. but I had to tell you the story of Wednesday trip to school! Same as any other day.. but I was running just about 2 minutes later than usual, but that two minutes can spell disaster when it comes to catching trains so I was already freaking out... Mind you I had looked outside and seen that it had rained overnight but it wasn't raining at the time so I was not overly concerned. As soon as I slid my Metro card and rounded the corner to walk down to where the car of my choice stops, I knew there was something terribly wrong. There were nearly a hundred people down there when on a normal day there isn't more than 25 people. I got down to the front car and ran into the girl that takes attendance for my class and we got to talking... the train came and we crammed on to a packed train which was also very odd.. but it was the only train at the time so we got on... as soon as the doors closed they announced that the final stop would be 137th street due to flooding. Once out of the station at 137th (mind you this is the heart of Harlem) I ran into two other students trying to make the 8AM warm up. It was 730 so we tried to hail a cab to no avail.. so we started walking.... and walking.. the cabs were all full...and walking the bus was out of the question because there were 50+ people at the stops and any bus that arrived was packed to the point of people's faces smashed up against the glass.... so we just kept walking.. 125th, 116th, 110th, still no cabs or buses... the humidity was ridiculous by 86th street I was drenched and was only on schedule to be 15 minutes late for my rehearsal... But upon my arrival at 61st street I was only 10 minutes late and had a fun morning walk to school... Now I understand when my parents/grandparents talked about walking so far to school.... 90 blocks about 4 miles was all though... overall it was a fun time!
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 12:25 PM 1 comments