ok.... i am so irritated

I have just watched the uneven bars event and I am soooooooooooo over these strange rules and this age controversy thing has me yelling at the TV!!!!  Some of the rules make no sense.... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... ok thank you for letting me vent! 



Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given then to explore the power they have to change it.  Impossible is not a fact it's an opinion.  Impossible is not a declaration it's a dare.  Impossible is potential.  Impossible is temporary.  Impossible is nothing!

Read this in a Maxwell book and really liked it, so I thought I'd share


Repaving now? Really?

So... I guess the city of NY decided that our entire block needed street repairs.  I wouldn't know really due to the fact that I never drive!  SAD :(  But it was posted outside tonight from 6PM to to 6 AM that they were working and sure enough... 6 pm on the dot the noise began... I never realized how much of a ruckus those machines can be... of course the echo off the surrounding buildings doesn't help.   So anyway they tore up the street around our apt and then it got quiet so now just as I am trying to get myself to bed... they round the corner with more ruckus.. oh how the city speaks :)  Maybe I'll rent a car after this to try out the new roads!


Ahhhh Paige Davis

I woke up late this morning so I missed my intended church service... ( of course since is it NYC I still have 2 more options for the day)  So I decided to turn on the tube and what did I find.  A throw back to the good ol days and Paige Davis!  I love her! hosting a Space Trade in LA from 2002!  I miss watching this show and watching it makes me want a space of my own to play in! 


New Title

So I thought that the title i had was not enough.. me.. It was me.. but the sappy Jesus land plain jane me.. not the out here ready to take on the world and experience everything everyone person that I am.  does anyone have any thoughts?  I happened upon it as I was typing a post asking for ideas.. so if anyone has any.. please share.. I'd love to hear them.