Have you heard the new theological discovery?

Yes... there is something new that we have all been missing in our Bibles friends and I have learned about this on the streets of NYC!

So, tonight while walking up Broadway, 2 girls from the Elohim Academy ( at least that's what I thought they said) walked straight up to me and asked, " Do you study the Bible?" Being a bit taken back by this strange way of starting a conversation... but intrigued by what would ensue I answered," Yes I do." They went on to ask if I had ever heard about the feminine God. I guess I didn't hide my disagreement well becuase they started laughing and told me that so far every Chiristian that they had talked to responded in very much the same way. I asked them where this is mentioned "everywhere" in the Bible and they metioned Gen1:26 for starters.

26 "Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness..."

To which I brought up the Trinity and they countered with verse 27..

27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."

pointing out that he mentioned female... if I didn't have somewhere to be I would have loved to have that conversation and pick their brains about this, in my opinion, off the wall idea.

So that is a little bit about the interresting people you meet on the streets of NYC.

Other than that my life is amazing! I have nothing to complain about and I love what I am doing. Being in this city is so much fun, and educational with every step you take. Just walking to school or riding the subway, I am given something to ponder; whether it is a belief I have that's being challenged or a new idea being introduced... nearly everything I see or hear changes my view on the world and I absolutly love it!


Brad Foster said...

The same thing happened to me walking down the street in Pasadena, CA, where I live. I was walking down the street and I talked to someone from the "Elohim Academy". Do you know anything more about these people?

Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) said...

No I don't know anything about them.. I tried to do some research and couldn't find anything. Sorry.

Unknown said...

It sounds like they are from a cult known as the Branch Davidian Seventh Day Adventists. This is the group from which David Koresh split to form his own cult. They are going door to door in the San Fernando Valley (CA).

Anonymous said...

Elohim Academy is a school of true worshipers of God. We know through Roman 1:20 Good made the creation so that everyone could understand God's nature. When you think about Adam and Eve, they were both made in the image of God. Yes, Eve was made from Adam's rib but her image came from God, too. God made it this way, to show us about God.In the creation, as we all know every living animal was made male and female and within that family system the woman is the one who gives birth. When Jesus Christ came 2,000 years ago, he taught us to pray "Our Father who art in heaven"; this shows us that we are a part of a heavenly family, thus we are called the children of God. yet in the way God formed the family system, if there are children and a father, then who else must there be? A Mother! That is a complete family. Without a mother in the physical family we can not be born to have life, in the same way in the heavenly family we must have a mother to have life. It is so impotrant for ur lost brothers and sisters to reutrn back to our heavenly mother for eternal life. If anyone wants to break away from their fixed ideas and learn through the Bible, they will find the biggest mystery of the Bible. Please wherever you aer take a moment to listen to the words of truth that are being spoken and proven to you.

Please understand, this is NOT a branch from Davis Koresh. This is NOT a 7-day Adventist. This is NOT a cult. This is the way of truth. We only follow the word of God. Remember, we 2,000 years ago Jews classified Jesus and the disciples a the Nazarene sect (in other words a cult).

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous, I met 4 from your group last night in NJ. We had an "interesting" conversation to say the least. Your arguments are speculative at best. There is very little, if any Scripture that refers to a "mother" entity of God. On the otherhand, the overwhelming body of Scripture refers to God in Male terms. Jesus does say "Our Father", never "Our Mother". God is referred to as Him", never her, nor is there an entity in the God Head referred to as "Her".
There are several Scriptures in the book of Deuteronomy that refer to God as one who comes to the aid of the FATHERLESS, not the MOTHERLESS.

Please note, whether God is made up of a him and her is not important to me. It would not break my faith if God or a part of God was female. What I am saying is that the overwhelming weight of Scripture refers to God in Masculine terms and pronouns, and to take a couple of Scriptures as your members did last night, and use those over and above all else is dangerous and a twisting of those Scpritures - particularly in the book of Revelation.

If people would call you and those like a cult, or cultish, they may have good reason. Folks like you somehow seem to believe that God has somehow been lost for some 2000 years, and he finally had enough, and had to inspire whomever the founder of your faith is to present the real "truth" to the world. No one had it until your founder came, and no one else has it before you, and no one will have it unless they believe as you believe, thus you are the only TRUE Christians around. I've seen it time and time again, from the International Church of Christ a decade ago, and I'm afraid I'm seeing it again.

Unknown said...

the bible says in the end days there will be alot of false prophets....we need to be careful about what we believe in......if you are convinced that Jesus is the only son of God,and if you believe him there is no need to be troubled coz the bible tells us that jesus is the way the and the light.....he is the only alpha and the omega i did some research.....if you gys are interested check this link....they believe in a whole lot of rubish and i wouldnt call them less than a cult....im sorry but i believe that Jesus is the only way to heaven.....dont fa;ll by the wayside like the other seed....God bless-http://elohim-bless-you.blogspot.com/

Elohim said...

wow it is truly sad how your SPIRITUAL eyes are closed, first of all, Mother is mentioned in the whole entire bible, from the begining of genesis to the end in revelation, now i am going to tell this straight, if u don't belive in the bible, please get out and stop putting comments until u kno what's in the bibble, and for the pll that say "i belive in the bibble", well wow, open ur eyes if u go to ISAIAH 62:6-7, u can see that GOD would make Jerusalem the praise of the earth, then since the bible is always right, are we going to praise the city Jerusalem????? are we???, guys jerusalem means out heavenly mother GALATIANS 4:26- "But the Jerusalem that is above(heaven) is free, and she is our mother", clearly bible prophesies that our mother would be the praise in the whole earth!!, , well clearly let me teach u something, in Rev 4:11, bibble says "... for you created all things, and by your will they were created." bible says that everything has his will than what is the will of MOTHER?? why did god created mother?!?, TO GIVE LIFE!, in this earth mothers give life, even animals, every living creature has a mother!, but why did got created mother, to show us an example of what is in heaven, is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven, Heb 8:5, as we have a mother in this earth we have a mother in heaven, but u said why did god didn't said all of that i am saying this 2000 years ago, if u go to John 6:39 "I will raise him up at the last day", John 6:40 "I will raise him up at the last day" John 6:44 "I will raise him up at the last day"
John 6:54 "I will raise him at the last day", raise them up means give them life, then since this is Jesus crist speaking(red leaders)(God), why did he repeatedly said that he was going to give us life at the last day??? What what he was waiting for??, he could of give them life 2000 years ago, but why in the last day?? he has waiting for the appearance of our Heavenly mother in this last days, only beliving in our mother we can have eternal life, out heavenly mother has to give us life in this last days, Rev 19:7 "The wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.", The lamb means Jesus, who is the bride?? Rev 21:9 The bride, the wife of the Lamb, is Jerusalem coming down out of heaven, not the city jerusalem but our heavenly mother, Galatians 4:26.

Also, Church of God, World Mission Society, is not a cult, u probably got it from wikipedia, wikipedia has no idea about our church, first make sure and then make the statement, so please understand the words of the bible, and praise our heavenly mother, and let me remind u something, we all know that everything wasn't explain by my words, instead i explain it thru the bible and if u don't belive what i say well, John 8:47, if ur interested and belive 100% in our church and seek heavenly salvation, please email me at pandainshadow@gmail.com

btw i am 14 years old, and i think that a child can understand better a adult, i mean if i can understand the words of God, why not u?? may father and mother bless u all.

judethree said...

Hi Priscilla,

Please allow me to provide some additional information re: the people who approached you. They are representatives of an organization called the “World Mission Society Church of God” founded in Korea in 1964 by a man named Ahnsahnghong.

The WMSCG is a totalitarian religious sect which dominates its member’s attention and rigidly prescribes their daily activities. The group is associated with a charismatic leader in which church membership is contingent on the complete acceptance of his claims to divinity. Members must also demonstrate a total willingness to obey--without question--the leader’s commands, doctrines and dogma. This group, like the many totalitarian sects before it, will frequently use deceptive techniques to recruit and convert new members.

You were targeted by these individuals in an effort to recruit you into their movement. They are zealous, well trained and believe that their status within the organization is predicated upon the recruitment of new members.

The WMSCG teaches:

That a man called Ahnsahnghong is the Second Coming of Christ (He died in 1985)

Expects the world to end in 2012, before which they hope to recruit 144,000 members. Considers Korea to be Zion (the new spiritual Jerusalem)

Believes Mother Jerusalem (Zang Gil-Jah ) to be the female incarnation of God.

That Ahnsahnghong predicted Christ would return in 1967 and 1988.

You must keep the Passover and be baptized to receive eternal life.

That the WMSCG is the only “True Church”, all other churches are in error.

Salvation is also achieved by putting one’s faith in the leaders of their church.

“In this last age, we need our Jerusalem Mother [Mother God] who has been established by Christ Ahnsahnghong, the Second Coming [of] Jesus. Let us believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong, the Holy Spirit, and in Jerusalem Mother, the Bride, so that we can receive eternal life.” [http://english.watv.org/truth/mother_jerusalem.html]

The World Mission Society Church of God is also known as;
“The Church of God”, “Elohim Academy” and on College Campuses, “Elohim Bible Studies”

Their website is


Where can I learn more?

These books are available in paperback at Borders and Amazon.com.

Scripture Twisting, by James W. Shire

Cult Proofing Your Kids, by Dr. Paul R. Martin.

Kingdom of the Cults, by Walter Martin.

Cults & Consequences, by Andres and Lane

Combating Cult Mind Control, by Steven Hassan.

Cults in Our Midst, by Singer and Lalich.

Snapping: Epidemic of Sudden

Personality Change, by Conway and Siegelman.




Questions? Please feel free to contact me:


“But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. Many will follow their pernicious ways, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.” 2 Peter 2:1-3

Praise God Elohim said...

I just don't understand why people spread lies about us! "Members must also demonstrate a total willingness to obey--without question--the leader’s commands, doctrines and dogma" ...WHAT??!?! hahaha are you sure you're talking about the same Church of God? Everything I follow is through the Bible because I believe the Bible is the word of God. I keep the Sabbath because God commanded us to. Tell me, which of you would stand up proudly and say: I go to a church that does NOT keep the 10 commandments! ...yet why do I keep getting persecuted for not following Sunday worship which has NOTHING to do with God's will whatsoever??? I don't understand it! Seriously I say I am not going to celebrate Christmas because I found out it is a Pagan holiday and some say you must be in a cult. WHAT?! Why would I continue to keep something that is a LIE? Jesus Christ has nothing to do with Christmas and I do not think He would want me to follow a pagan worship holiday. Sorry If I go to a Church that follows the Bible. We are not a cult. I still am a normal person who eats, talks smiles and laughs like anyone else.

And for the record no one said: you should believe in 'this man' as God because we told you to. Just as Jesus Christ was testified to the people as God, through the scriptures (OT) so is 2nd coming Christ testified through the NT. Actually I had been studying the Bible with Church of God Members for awhile and everything was backed up by the Bible. One night I google COG and I saw on wikipedia that they thought a man was 2nd coming christ and that it was a cult. Well this entry did not coincide with my experience at all, and everything else they believed was backed up through the Holy Bible so I just asked about it. And guess what? They proved that Ahnsahnghong is in fact 2nd Coming Christ through the Bible.
Now, if you're going to say it can't be!, at least say more than just...'It can't be! It must be a cult!' Because like I said every one of our beliefs is backed up through the Bible. It's Amazing : ) Anyways, Praise be to our Heavenly Father and Mother. ^_^ God Bless You! and if you do hear about Heavenly Mother and have a chance to study, please go see for yourself the amazing truth. <3

btw Elohim is plural for Gods. Before the Bible was translated into English, it was in Aramaic. In Genesis 1:26, (and other parts of the Bible, but this is my favorite because it is so clear) it is Elohim. : ) Genesis 1:27..two images came out.

If the Us meant trinity...then are you saying that God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are separate entities? I believe in the Trinity as one God. Even if you do not believe so, the "us" meaning the trinity still doesn't make sense. TWO images came out. : )

God bless you! <3

Let's Follow the True Word of God : ) said...

"Expects the world to end in 2012, before which they hope to recruit 144,000 members. "

is very much in error. 144,000 is a biblical number, the transformation group. They are those sealed by God; disaster will pass over them (Rev 7; 14). : ) The are many more than 144,00 worshipers of God Elohim, just as there are those in the resurrection group as well as transformation group...there is no...I don't even know what you call that! quota?... However, Jesus Christ said to go make disciples of all nations and baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Matt 28:18). So as Christ said to do, we are doing, because He is God Almighty.

I don't know where this whole 2012 rumor came from. God says no one will know the time. However, we are most certainly living in the 'end-times.' But this is not new to anyone, is it?

What is new, is the fact that no one knows the way to salvation. Well it is through the Spirit and the Bride. (Rev 22:17) They give us the water of life! Also do you know of Passover? John 6:53, Christ tells us the TRUTH to eternal life. This is the passover (Matt 26:17). Christ came not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it, and we can see the reality through Christ (Matt 5:17; Hebrews 10:1) How did Christ show the reality? He did not keep passover in the old way by slaughtering a year old lamb without defect, but He showed us the new way, and we should follow His example (John 13:15). : )

Let's follow Christ, and keep God's word. Thank Father and Mother for truly showing me that it is good to follow God's word as it is shown. AMEN!!