OK.. so this is something that has been occupying my mind occationally as I make my way to and from school on foot each and every day.... I think people walk the same way that they drive. It first came to my attention when I was desperately trying to get past a meandering weaver, who is someone that seemingly has no place to go, but is out walking down the center of the sidewalk and as soon as you think you have a space to get by... they wander over to that side and because they are in the middle the slightest movement leaves you behind them.. dancing like a boxer from one foot to the other to see where they are headed.
Now... when I walk I am going somewhere at a nice clip... I attibute this to my friend Becky who would leave me covered in East Texas Red Dirt(a whole other topic) as I practically ran to keep up to her!
So fast forward 10 years and here I am in NYC and I have places to go rehearsals to get to and MW is in my way... what do I do??? I rage! I turn into some type of human car and walk like I drive... desperatly trying to pass only on the left to the point that I stay behind even when there is space on the right... once I notice there is space and I have that inner dialog conversation to step on the gas I fly past the MW and weave in and out of foot traffic for 100 yards and then... (screeching Nike's)... Crosswalk with the hand(the pedestrian's red light)... and cars whizzing by.... Oh how I miss driving :(
So... the moral of this weird blabbering post? You are not a car... just relax get where you are going and do try to avoid getting sidewalk rage... What an interresting idea I'll have to try that on the way home!
Now... when I walk I am going somewhere at a nice clip... I attibute this to my friend Becky who would leave me covered in East Texas Red Dirt(a whole other topic) as I practically ran to keep up to her!
So fast forward 10 years and here I am in NYC and I have places to go rehearsals to get to and MW is in my way... what do I do??? I rage! I turn into some type of human car and walk like I drive... desperatly trying to pass only on the left to the point that I stay behind even when there is space on the right... once I notice there is space and I have that inner dialog conversation to step on the gas I fly past the MW and weave in and out of foot traffic for 100 yards and then... (screeching Nike's)... Crosswalk with the hand(the pedestrian's red light)... and cars whizzing by.... Oh how I miss driving :(
So... the moral of this weird blabbering post? You are not a car... just relax get where you are going and do try to avoid getting sidewalk rage... What an interresting idea I'll have to try that on the way home!
NOW you're sounding like a Yankee!
So how did that go? Avoiding sidewalk rage? People around here (nowhere, tx) have a tendency to drive five under. They're all farmers and ranchers. All of em. And there is no place to walk.
Just joking. Glad they are enjoying our great city.
At least you can find humor in it and not get a ticket for it! Miss ya girl. Katie (that would be Katrina for me...)were talking about you the other day. nuf said.
Time for you to post something new. I have so that means it's your turn.
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