This post should be read as though I was whispering...

Well this week has been quite interesting in that on Wednesday morning I woke up to find that my body had decided to have it's annual allergy fit and I had absolutely no voice. My intone was in the lowest bass register immaginable, so low in my chest it was scary! I'm not sure what note it would have been but it was loooowwwww. I proceeded to go to all my classes and not try to talk if I didn't have to. But my speech class was a disaster. You can't speak Shakespere in that condition. So since Wednesday my allergies have adjusted daily I still have a raspy voice and only speak when necessary... now it's a horrible cough and the stuffiest nose, but finals begin tomorrow so this should be interresting when it comes to performances and all my characters have become men :) This is however convenient for tomorrows Angels in America presentation where I play Louis. I'll let you know how it goes.


Anonymous said...

Hey P - sorry to hear about the allergies! I'll pray that you get your girly voice back asap. :)

clever[art] said...

Be the best man you can possibly be.

Bella Sera said...

I'm totally laughing...with you of course. Ok Ok I'll joing Erin and pray too....maybe you can get a good grade for creativity? Come on it takes some tallent to be a girl and talk like a man!!!!! You're in theatre for crying out loud there have to be creativity points :) lol