Soggy Shoes

Ok... so this morning I was up and ahead of schedule when I left the apartment, and I swear to you that the minute that I stepped out the door the heavens opened up. So my 100 ft to the subway had me pretty wet already, but what I faced just down the stairs was something I have ever only had to do in a foreign country on missions. As I walked into the subway station I hear the crazy sound of rushing water, and once down the first flight of stairs I see it, a lake right at the bottom of the only staircase to the downtown train and no way around. I stood there pondering for a minute what might be in that lake based on the colors floating around on it's surface. After watching a couple women in much dressier clothes than I venture thru the foot to foot and a half deep lake I sucked it up and followed them, and said to myself... "Unique New York" So now my feet are uncomfortably wet and I really hate it.


Anonymous said...

If only you could walk on water. :)

Bella Sera said...

Erin stole my comment.