It was Friday morning at 5 am and I was sound asleep... until my subconscious was shaken by what sounded to me like some kind of explosion...the building shook and I heard what I thought was wood breaking. My eyes were open immediately and my mind was racing to think through what it could be, when it happened 4 more times in quick succession. I jumped to my feet to look outside just as a firetruck pulled up. Within minutes there was lots of commotion on the street below...

The cause of the sound and shaking is seen in this picture that I took from my bedroom window.... can you find the open manhole? Yes that was it... 5 manhole covers blew out and broke in the street. It was nice to hear that was it, but I don't want to be awoken like that again!
The exciting life you lead. I love that you got it on film.
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