Ok... so this morning I was up and ahead of schedule when I left the apartment, and I swear to you that the minute that I stepped out the door the heavens opened up. So my 100 ft to the subway had me pretty wet already, but what I faced just down the stairs was something I have ever only had to do in a foreign country on missions. As I walked into the subway station I hear the crazy sound of rushing water, and once down the first flight of stairs I see it, a lake right at the bottom of the only staircase to the downtown train and no way around. I stood there pondering for a minute what might be in that lake based on the colors floating around on it's surface. After watching a couple women in much dressier clothes than I venture thru the foot to foot and a half deep lake I sucked it up and followed them, and said to myself... "Unique New York" So now my feet are uncomfortably wet and I really hate it.
The good ol days!
P- ... "Batcave Becky what's your 20?"
BB- "..In the batcaves...we need to fit an abroller in one of these techboxes and we still need to count the Telegu tracts. Have you seen the box of groundlifts and where are all the spanish Journey Tapes?"

Techboxes done...tracts counted.. and I have to be at the caves to make sure the costumes are ready... a quick nap on "The Womb" will be ni...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Do we have fasting retreat tomorrow? I'm so tired... what time is it?
TL's pic these up at 8 so all costumes must be ready

Makin Spagetti at the Wilkerson's with Mitch's secret sauce

Relaxation and sunburn after a loooong and rewarding summer :)
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 5:41 PM 4 comments
Bombarded by fireworks!
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 6:31 PM 2 comments
The perfect way to celebrate the 4th
If my father were reading this post I know that he would argue with me between baseball and camping somewhere in the north woods, being the perfect 4th of July mode of celebration. But I would have to say that watching the Twins beat the Yankees today was a pretty good. Fireworks are not in my plan since they are downtown at the Seaport where there will be a million people and since I live with fireworks going off every night in the street below my apartment I don't feel the need to see them this year. I was thinking today about other 4th of July memories that I have, and other than many many camping stories I was recalling the summer of 95 when I was in San Salvador, El Salvador with Teen Mania. We were invited to the American University in the city and they had a big shindig complete with US Marines cooking beer brats! I remember how patriotic I felt and how interesting it was to celebrate while being in another country. And as for me today I have just been inspired by the smell of lighter fluid and Barbecue that I am heading to the market to get me a steak!
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 2:02 PM 3 comments
Waking up in a war zone!

The cause of the sound and shaking is seen in this picture that I took from my bedroom window.... can you find the open manhole? Yes that was it... 5 manhole covers blew out and broke in the street. It was nice to hear that was it, but I don't want to be awoken like that again!
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 7:05 PM 1 comments
But pardon gentles all...
Posted by Priscilla (also credited as Prissi or Cilla) at 6:53 PM 0 comments