Holy Cow it's been almost 6 months since I was here. I saw Julie and Julia last night and it was all about blogging and for some reason I think tonight is as good a time as any to "share my heart with the world"? Since my Boys are up ( Yay football!) I can turn down the volume and write a little.
I leave NY in 68 days! I know it's the exact step that I need to take I love these times of extreme faith and seeming free-falling. I know that God will work everything out because he promised he would and He's proven faithful thus far! I don't really have the fear about that but rather there is a sort of panic that hits me when I try to figure out jobs to apply for. I freeze up at this step a lot. I can do anything! I have experience in a million different things and yet I want more than anything to pursue the deepest desire in my heart and at the moment it feels so far away. I am the first to talk about the Journey and one step at a time but I am terrible at it. Well I'll take my own advice... breathe... pray and start again tomorrow!
- P
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