So close

... and yet so far...

I am only about 3 subway trips from completing my move to the new apartment, but I have come to my point of "I don't wanna do any more". Have you ever been there? Upon my last return to the dorm I realized that the wheel was about to disassociate with my suitcase... thus leave me to make more trips with my backpack and small suitcase.. maybe I'm whining... sorry if I am it's just been a long process and I am ready to be there. Tomorrow is the day though and I will post with pics of the new place!


A memorial to my hero

My grandfather passed away this past March and I have been wanting to blog about how amazing he was for some time so I thought Memorial Day would be appropriate. Lawrence J. Stewart my hero for many different reasons throughout my life. As a little girl I lived with him and my grandmother until I was 7 and I have the fondest memories of snow angels and being pulled around the yard in the sled... I actually can remember his one piece snowsuit with the little belt and his hunter orange headband. In my teens it was his constant praise of my driving...my grandmother does most of the driving so he was always so appreciative of a good driver :) As an adult... there was time when I was in college that he would write letters and I feel sad that I don't have them anymore... but he was always so communicative of his love and desire to do whatever I needed. Looking back I think it was his only outlet to communicate effectively to me at the time. He was later diagnosed with PTSD which he had been battling most of his life after WWII. My favorite memory of him would have to be when I was making my move to Atlanta from Tulsa after college and I was kinda freaking out about the move and I was talking to him on the phone and it was like he became a different person for a moment and said.. " Never say goodbye to people Priscilla, just say see you later." It was like this deep wisdom and I think the only really deep thing he ever said to me but it was the one thing that i will never ever forget as long as I live. My grandfather went to war because he wanted to to protect his family and defend his country... he had an option to say and farm with his brother in law... wanted badly to make his life count for something and for that he is my hero!


I am planning ahead!

Yes.... can you believe it? I have my Feb 6, 2011 Super Bowl plans already in the works... becuase today was the big announcement..... The new Cowboys stadium will be housing the Super Bowl! Now if we could only guarantee that we will also be playing in that game as well... I'll start fasting once a week beginning now!


This post should be read as though I was whispering...

Well this week has been quite interesting in that on Wednesday morning I woke up to find that my body had decided to have it's annual allergy fit and I had absolutely no voice. My intone was in the lowest bass register immaginable, so low in my chest it was scary! I'm not sure what note it would have been but it was loooowwwww. I proceeded to go to all my classes and not try to talk if I didn't have to. But my speech class was a disaster. You can't speak Shakespere in that condition. So since Wednesday my allergies have adjusted daily I still have a raspy voice and only speak when necessary... now it's a horrible cough and the stuffiest nose, but finals begin tomorrow so this should be interresting when it comes to performances and all my characters have become men :) This is however convenient for tomorrows Angels in America presentation where I play Louis. I'll let you know how it goes.


Final Demos finally!!!

Well... almost! We just saw our final demo schedule today and it's a crazy one. Jam packed Tuesday and Wednesday but after that life will slow a bit. The only one that I am really dreading is our 5 1/2 hour dance demo! Can you believe it? What takes five hours? I have no idea other that the head of the dance department loves to talk and wow is he ever a character... sadly more irritating than funny. So think of me Wednesday afternoon and say a prayer if you think about it!


Up and running...

That was me this morning at 9:17! After a long evening of Character and Scene Analysis and trying again to work through my personal blocks.. I guess I was exhausted enough to sleep in until 9:17 for my 9:30 class! I am at school though.. made it by 9:26! That was after the 10 block sprint. I have on 2 differnet socks and my bra was so twisted I don't know how it was even doing it's job... but I made it and that is the important thing! It is however not suggested to break into a sprint a minute or two after waking up...


I win!!!

NO.. not an oscar... yet... but I was looking over my blog this morning and see that I have made more posts in the Month of May so far than I have ever made in a month since beginning this blog. Which I understand is sad, but the good news is I seem to be catching on and getting better! Keep checkin in on me every once in awhile... Who knows what you might find!


The exsistance of God at a late night Mac attack

I love that the Mac store in NYC is open all night, and that you can play on the computers! I was out walking and memorizing my monologue for film class (from The Abyss if anyone was curious) while walking around Times Square tonight and thought that I would meander over here and post something quick. I love this computer it is a Mac Book Pro at a whopping $2700 that I can not afford but I can come here and play any time I want and the middle of the night is the best time, but there are quite a few people here. Anyway life is great I have one full week of classes before final demos AHHHHHH.. This has been a long and very emotional semester for me. Lots of personal discovery in so many areas of my life that I am not even the same person I was when the semeser began in February. I still pinch myself regualry when I am walking around the city bacuase I can't believe how amazing God has been all throughout my life'sjourney. It was funny last week in my Acting Technique class the teacher said that none of us can 100% believe in God... or whoever we believe in... it was just a statement and not presented as a discussion topic, but it made me think about how I felt, and I came to this conclusion...

I wouldn't be alive were it not for God. That alone is a big enough one for me. I am breathing today becuase God protected me in my mother's womb! For those of you that know me you know I could write forever on the topic of my life, but please no one comment that I should write a book... I know I know... Back to the 100% belief topic... yes I have those occasional thoughts, especially when Christians behave ignorantly, like "what if we are all wrong" But at the end of the day when I am still breathing and I can look back through my entire life and say....I Believe not 95 % not 99.9% but 100% that God is real it all comes down to Faith! God draws us to himself but we must have faith to believe He is real and then as we journey along in our "faith walk" for lack of a better term, He proves himself real... sometimes obviously, and sometimes we just know but for me the exsistance of God is an undenialble truth in my life. And that is that! Ok I have a long walk back home tonight but this was great fun!


Movin on up!

No... not to the East Side... I am on my way uptown to 157th street! It is in the bourough of Washington Heights I went uptown today with two of my four roomates to clean the apartment before we all start moving in next week. It is so cool... It will actually be like a home! I'm so excited. I have a month to get everything up there so I can take my time. Other than that my life remains very intensely on the school, rehearsals, memorizing, and working vein... but June 1 I get a nice 3 week break so that is coming sooner than I feel it is :)


Clever [Art]

Please check out my friend's new photo blog Clever [Art] and share it with all your friends. He is a great photograpther! It's a very new blog but I love it already.. he has an amazing ability to capture things and sometimes put words to them and other times let you decide for yourself what they mean to you. So check it out!